Sheffield City Region Mayor
Elected Mayor for the districts of Barnsley, Doncaster, Rotherham and Sheffield
Dan Jarvis MP is a Labour Member of Parliament for the Barnsley Central Consituency.
Design a policy document for Dan Jarvis to become the Labour Party Candidate for the Sheffield City Region Mayor.
A 'One Yorkshire' Rose icon was created for a simple, strong graphic cover for the initial policy document which would be used to communicate Dan's vision for the Mayoralty and beyond. With strong stock and commissioned photography a simply structured and clear document was designed. The important chapters were clearly defined with single colour header pages to assist navigation through the document.
Dan was voted to be the Labour candidate and the document was then updated to the final manifesto to reach a wider audience. Dan went on to win the election.
'One Yorkshire' Rose icon, 32 page policy document and 32 page manifesto.